Green Book (2018)

Title: Green Book

Year: 2018

Genre: Biography | Comedy | Drama |

Runtime: 130 min

Director: Peter Farrelly

Starring: Viggo Mortensen, Mahershala Ali, Linda Cardellini




A working-class Italian-American bouncer becomes the driver of an African-American classical pianist on a tour of venues through the 1960s American South.


Even the best movies of the year have their flaws, but this is a quite engaging story. A story about courage, friendship, and racism where they convey two superb actors to the memorable character by their own design. The short summary of this film is that Tony (Mortensen) is assigned to drive an Afro-American Dr. Donald Shipley (Ali), to the deep South during the 1960s as he conducts several classical piano concerts to the high society-class. He was one of the world’s best piano player and people treat him unfair and disrespectful, which this film excellently depicts in the most honest way possible.

I’ve known most Viggo Mortensen from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, directed by Peter Jackson, where he plays the King Aragorn. That was mostly seventeen years ago now. Time has changed. He puts on a very intriguing and charming performance. He’s convincing as an Italian-American who becomes Shipley’s chauffeur and bodyguard. Not only, does he have depth and charisma to his character? He makes him his own performance. A clear way to make him certainly likable. In the beginning. He is reluctant against this opportunity, but Tony does it anyway because he needs the money that they offer. He has humor, kindness and knows what needs to bring a trustworthy character to the table. Viggo put on a performance that will be memorable and hopefully he’ll earn a Golden Globe and Oscar win for this work. He masters this role in the best way possible.

Mahershala Ali did get critically acclaimed in last years Moonlight (2016) which chronicled a gay Afro-American life in despair and anxiety. He even won an Oscar for that role. Previously, he has shown that he is a capable performer and does take on interesting and challenging roles. Most known for his roles in House of Cards (2013-2018), Luke Cage (2016-2018) and Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 & 2 as well as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018). In this role, he struggles greatly because of the severe racism, the brutality and the pressure of his origin.  He as well as good chemistry with Viggo as the journey goes on. Tony change his character attitude and he portrays this character realistic way and truthful character who remains trustful if he can. He makes a very powerful performance and it showcases that even he does deserve a Golden Globe and an Oscar.

This film is provided with an efficient message that is more important now than ever, to take care of each other no matter your ethnicity or sexuality. It has many emotions and feels like a roller-coaster and is directed with some finesse and clarity. It shows humor and drama together with love, friendship, and courage. It should deserve more marketing than what it does. Everyone should read and embrace this story what it is and how it portrays a cruel and complicated world that once was real.