Wolfman-Remake On The Way; Ryan Gosling In The Lead

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Reports say that Hollywood’s golden boy Ryan Gosling is set to play the title-character of Wolfman, the remake of Universal Pictures.

Now, months after Universal’s The Invincible Man with Elisabeth Moss, which was tremendously successful, the studio behind it has gazed on a remake of The Wolfman. The last time this story was told back in 2010 with Benicio Del Toro in the lead.

Variety has also reported that there’s no director attached to the project itself, but Corey Finley has recently been up for the job. Finley directed Bad Education. The plot of the film is still unknown as this is a recent announcement.  But it’s supposed to be a dark thriller similar to Nightcrawler. The one with Jake Gyllenhaal. It would also include an obvious supernatural twist. Lauren Schuker Blum and Rebecca Angelo, the writers for Orange is the New Black, is set to pen the script from an original idea from Gosling himself. Universal failed immensely with The Mummy. Universal Pictures has also changed the prospect to furthermore the legacy of these characters, which means that several independent directors will do their own take of each of these characters.

Gosling’s next project seems to be a space film, based on Andy Weir’s upcoming novel, with Phil Lord and Chris Millers as directors.

Source: Variety.com