Hollywood Boycotts Russia After Invasion In Ukraine

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Ukraine has been invaded, brutally attacked, and terrorized the last week. The world reacts, and so does Hollywood.

As the world stands in front of a new security order, where no one does really know the next step in another global crisis, the entertainment industry has chosen to implement certain restrictions as well.

It’s has been reported recently that Warner Bros is halting the premiere of their next blockbuster The Batman, which has premiered this week worldwide. Walt Disney Company has announced that they’re stopping the release of Turning Red in Russia as well.

Disney has also made a statement aligned with the boycott.

“We will make future business decisions based on the evolving situation,” a Disney spokesperson said on Monday. “In the meantime, given the scale of the emerging refugee crisis, we are working with our NGO partners to provide urgent aid and other humanitarian assistance to refugees.”

Sony Pictures, Paramount and Universal Pictures have follow in the same footsteps.

“In response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, Universal Pictures has paused planned theatrical releases in Russia,” a Universal spokesperson said in a statement.

Some of the movies that Universal Pictures has postpones the upcoming animated film The Bad Guys and Michael Bay’s Ambulance. Both movies with release dates in March. Paramount has done the same thing with Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sony with Morbius. How long this withdrawal will last is still unclear due to the uncertain global security.

According to reports, this change of behaviour from major studios in Hollywood and the business overall is because of the political sanctions against the global paying-system SWIFT that has hit Russia’s economy hard. There are also indications that the prestigious French Cannes Film Festival bans temporary the Russian delegators to this year’s festival.

Unprecedented solidarity has formed in the global community of the West. Not just for entertainment but for several industries in a desperate effort to isolate Russia further from the world.

There have also been reports that actor Ryan Reynolds among the Hollywood elite will donate 1 million dollars to refugees in support of Ukraine.

Source: Variety.com